Northshore is proud to be part of the Outpost School Program in partnership with Telethon Speech and Hearing (TSH).
The Outpost program supports children with hearing loss to fully access the same educational and social engagement opportunities as their peers. It offers comprehensive in-school support across primary and secondary. Telethon Speech and Hearing’s team of education and allied health professionals collaborate with the Northshore team to ensure students have the level of assistance that best meets their individual needs. Each student has an individualised support program developed collaboratively with parents, school staff and the Outpost team. Individual assistance may include language, speech, auditory, social/emotional, occupational therapy and academic support tailored to individual needs.
As one of only four schools north of Perth to partner with TSH, Northshore provides real advantages for hearing-impaired students that will make a real impact on their education and development.
Whilst teaching his Year 5 classes, Northshore teacher, Kieran Turner has a specially made microphone around his neck at all times that transmits his voice directly into the hearing aids of one of his students. Along with other supports, this device, affectionately known as Roger, allows his hearing-impaired student to always be able to hear the lesson.